Please provide your household's members names and ages. ( i.e. Jim Feline, 47, Jane Feline, 48, Joe Feline, 10 )
Please advise if you are planning on adding any adult members or children to your household in the future. ( i.e. new baby expected in May)
Please provide the names of current pets including breed, age, and sex. New pets coming into your home will require a safe place to adapt and settle in. If there are current resident pets, a gentle controlled time frame of introduction is crucial to set the stage for a successful transition for all involved.
Are you committed to providing the safe place and slow introductory period to help your new cat feel safe and loved?
Please explain your plan for accomplishing this.
Who will provide care for your pet(s) in the event that you are unable to care for them? This should include vacations, unexpected situations, etc.
Do you have a plan in place, in the event that you are unable to continue care for your pet(s). Please provide a summary below.
Describe your household's activity level both on weekdays and weekends. How many hours a day will your new cat be alone?
In order to provide a successful foundation of life for your new cat, he/she will require at minimum annual wellness checks. These may include dental exams, vaccinations, and other normal maintenance items.
Senior cats may require more extensive vetting and special diets.
Awareness of litter box habits are critical to your cat's health. Accidents at any age should be vetted immediately to rule out or treat an active UTI.
Are you prepared and committed to care for your new cat for life with regular veterinary care?
What would you do if your cat became ill?
In the event that there was situation where your new cat did not mesh within your household, what would be your plan of action?